Discover Our Beautiful Part of the World
Nowhere in Navajoland is the blend of past tradition and present culture more evident than Canyon de Chelly National Monument. The Navajo people still have a mystical bond to this redstone canyon that cuts an almost tropical path of trees and flowers through the desert.
Canyon de Chelly is home to several periods of Indian culture dating from 350 A.D. to 1300 A.D., and the 26-mile canyon’s sheer cliffs range from 30 to more than 1,000 feet, providing a spectacular backdrop for hundreds of Anasazi ruins, as well as modern Navajo homes and farms.
The visitor’s center offers details and maps to all of the canyon’s many world-famous sites, including Spider Rock, White House Ruins and Canyon del Muerto. From the sandy canyon floor by all-terrain vehicle, or from the rim on a self-guided tour by car, Canyon de Chelly is one of Navajoland’s most popular all-day adventures.

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